

The Interactive Effects of Corporate Control Strategy and Resource Sharing on Subsidiaries’ Human Resource Management Control Systems - A Study of Conglomerates in Taiwan

  • 期數:第11卷 / 第2期
  • 全文下載:594.7KB
  • 發布時間:93 年 09 月 30 日
  • 列印
廖曜生   國立屏東商業技術學院企業管理學系

  A human resource management control system has great effect on firm performance, the use of HRM control system will be contingent on the interaction of corporate control strategy and resource sharing. Empirical results from 79 firms reveal that a subsidiary characterized by high sharing of physical, intangible, or executive resources accompanied with high imposition of strategic control might lean toward behavior control and input control. A subsidiary characterized by high physical resource sharing accompanied with high imposition of financial control might deter the use of behavior, output, and input control. Output control is emphasized when imposition of strategic control is high with high sharing of physical or executive resources, or imposition of financial control is high with low financial resource sharing.

